We disfellowshipped the couple based completely on circumstantial evidence of sexual wrongdoing because they simply "stayed the entire night". They vehemently denied engaging in any sort of porneia much less outright fornication. Nevertheless according to our elder handbook and clear branch direction, we removed this "wicked couple" as a protection to the congregation.
Was this in Washington State? If so, I have a relative who had this happen to her about 10 years ago. She gave up trying to be "reinstated" because they wouldn't let her back in until she "confessed" to a wrongdoing she hadn't committed (she allowed a young brother to sleep on her couch one night when he showed up with no place to go, after a fight with his parents. The parents knew where he was going and called the elders who proceeded to spy on them from their car).
Let me tell you....as a result of these Stalkers/ Elders actions / decisions, she was DF'd and her uber JW family immediately turned their back on her to the point that nearly a decade later her parents and her "still in" siblings didn't attend her wedding, have never met her husband nor have they met her 3 little children. It is heartbreaking to her that her parents and family aren't a part of her otherwise successful happy life and don't even know her children names, especially when all of it happened to her even though she wasn't guilty of any wrongdoing. The Elders weren't concerned about justice, they were angry at her for defying them and making their actions look foolish and even illegal.
I was often considered to be "spiritually weak" by some in the congregation because I wouldn't take positions of authority offered to me. I knew on some level that what was taking place behind the scenes, was wrong and I couldn't be a part of it.
It's only after having left, learning what I have about the "organization" and the fact that history has borne out that my suspicions were correct, that I am vindicated.
Part of me feels badly for you that you had a part in spoiling/ruining someones life and tearing up a family but the other part of me wonders "what could you possibly have been thinking to justify hanging out in a car all night to spy on someone in the congregation ? " Have you ever tried apologizing to these people?
The reason this sort of thing is tolerated by JW's is mostly because they don't know about it. These power tripping Elders take it upon themselves to do these things and there's really no one to stop them. The victims rarely get to tell other JW's their side of the story and if they do, they are dismissed as having a "unrepentant" attitude.
So glad to be out of that mess !